We covered the idea that the equivalent inductance of inductors connected in series or parallel is similar to the idea of resistors in which they add in series and are inversely added when they are in parallel. The goal is to understand what is happening in RC and RL circuit and Passive RC/RL Natural Response Lab will help us do that. For RC circuit, the capacitor initially acts like a wire but after a long time, it acts like an open switch. We will use the equations i(t) = Io*e(-t/RC) or v(t)=Vo*e(-t/RC). For an RL circuit, initially, the inductor opposes rapid change so it acts like an open switch but after a long time, its acts like an ordinary wire. The equations that we will use are i(t)=Io*e(-tR/L).
Group Practice:
1. We are given a first order differential equation in which we must solve the Voltage of the capacitor in terms of time. We see that tau is the resistance times the capacitance so it can be replaced by tao in equation as seen below in Figure 1. We show that the voltage of the capacitor is 1% of the initial voltage in order to see that the voltage of the capacitor drops close to 0. We will use the idea that
t =5*RC which is the time that the capacitor discharges and we use it as an approximation of time discharge.
Figure 1. Using 1st order linear differentiation to solve for voltage across a capacitor |
2. Figure 2 tells us to find the max switch frequency and we can find this by finding the time in which the capacitor discharges which is t=5*RC = .005sec. the Frequency= 1/t = 200Hz which is a low pass filter.
Figure 2. Find the max switch frequency of an RC circuit. |
Passive RC Natural Response Lab Procedures and Results:
1. The pre lab requires us to calculate the initial voltage of the capacitor and we do this by showing that Vc = Vo(R2/R1+R2) =
3.438V assuming that capacitor acts as open circuit when the capacitor is fully charged. The voltage across the R2 is the voltage of the capacitor since they are parallel to each other.
Figure 3. Initial voltage for the capacitor calculations. |
2. We then find the time constant where tau= RC =
.0484sec for circuit a as seen in figure 4. The time it takes to discharge is
t = 5*.0484 = .242sec based on figure 4 circuit a
. We find the time constant were
tau = C*(R1*R2/R1+R2) = .01513sec for circuit b in figure 4. We find the time when discharging from figure 4b by multiplying by 5 since we assume the time of discharging is
t = 5*tau = .0756sec.
Figure 4. Schematics for circuits that will be used in the lab. |
3. We construct the circuit as seen in figure 5 and measure the actual resistance of the resistors which are
R1= .95K+/-.05 and
R2= 2.13+/-.05. The analog discovery will measure the voltage across the capacitor when quickly disconnecting the power supply from the circuit, thus following the procedure from figure 4 a.
Figure 5. Actual circuit set up |
Figure 6. The visual discharge of a capacitor when the circuit is suddenly disconnected from the voltage source. |
4. The next step is to turn off the voltage source which will act as a wire. The procedure schematic can be seen in figure 4 b. The visual result can be seen below.
Figure 7. The visual discharge of the capacitor when the circuit is turned off instead of suddenly being disconnected. |
5. We also measured the time of the voltage charge of the capacitor which can be seen in figure 7.
Figure 8. The visual charge of the capacitor. |
6. When suddenly disconnecting the voltage source, we measured a time of discharge t =.270 sec. When the voltage source was turned off, we acquired a time discharge of t = .07sec. There is a percent error of %error=(.270-.242)/.242 *100 = 11.5 % when suddenly disconnecting the voltage source. There is a percent error of %error = (.07-.0756)/.0756 *100 = 7.41%
7. The next step is to use a square wave with an amplitude of 2.5V and an offset of 2.5V that oscillates between 0V and 5V and a frequency of 1Hz.
Passive RL Natural Response Lab Procedures and Results:
1. We are given an inductor and we must calculate the value of the inductor L. In order to calculate the the value of the inductor, we must use the equations i(t) = Io*e(-tR/L). The first step is to use the same setup as the passive RC Natural Response Lab and calculate the voltages across R1 and R2. With these measurements we can find the current that flow in R1. We can then use the equation Vr= Io*R*e(-tR/L) and manipulate it so that we can solve for L
Summary of Passive RC/RL Natural Response Lab and Learning Outcome:
The main focus of the Passive RC Natural Response Lab is to calculate and compare the time it takes to discharge a capacitor when the circuit is suddenly disconnected and turned off. We can assume that when the circuit is suddenly disconnected, the resistor which is connected to the voltage source is neglected since there is no current flowing through the wire. Therefore, we can assume that the time it takes to discharge the capacitor will be higher than when the voltage source is simply turned off. Based on our theoretical calculations, we acquire a time of discharge of
t = 5*.0484 = .242sec when the voltage source is suddenly turned off. We acquire a time of discharge of
t = 5*tau = .0756sec when the voltage source is simply turned off. We approximated the experimental time as seen in figure 5 and 6. The time of discharge when voltage source is suddenly tuned off is
t = .270sec and when voltage source is turned off,
t = .07sec. We calculated the percent error when disconnecting the voltage source of
11.5% error and when the voltage was simply turned off
7.41% error. Our theoretical time falls within our experimental results since the percent error is low. We were unable to to calculate the experimental time constant since we did not measure the capacitance of the capacitor. However, out theoretical time constant is
Tau = .0484 sec for sudden disconnection and
Tau = .01513sec for turned off power source. We were unable to finish the RL natural response Lab but have a sense on how to do it. The idea was to measure the voltage across the both the resistors and use those voltages to acquire the current and finally use the equationVr= Io*R*e(-tR/L).